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Athibet Prawane

Athibet Prawane

4 posts

Deploying Applications to Kubernetes Using GitLab CI/CD Without an Agent

Deploying Applications to Kubernetes Using GitLab CI/CD Without an Agent

Guide on deploying applications to Kubernetes using GitLab CI/CD without installing a GitLab agent. Learn how to automate deployments with kubectl and Helm.

Everyday VIM

Everyday VIM

Discover how to boost productivity with Vim! Learn efficient file navigation, editing, and saving. Revolutionize your daily workflow, whether coding, taking notes, or managing tasks.

Make Your Business Card with Python and Pillow Library (PIL Folk)

Make Your Business Card with Python and Pillow Library (PIL Folk)

Learn how to design eye-catching business cards using Python and the Pillow library. Follow step-by-step instructions to transform your designs into professional business cards with ease.

5 steps to set up reverse proxy and HTTPS for Docker container using nginx-proxy

5 steps to set up reverse proxy and HTTPS for Docker container using nginx-proxy

5 steps to set up reverse proxy and HTTPS (free SSL certificate) for Docker container using nginx-proxy